29 december 2019

Ellsworth Kelly #13

"Cady's Hall (1871), Chatham Village, NY (1869, pop. 1770) Chatham, NY (1869, pop. 1770), USA

Cady's Hall aka Cady Hall, "Cady's Opera House," Allen Theatre and Orpheum Theatre, built by Chatham businessman George W. Cady (1808-1898) • was Chatham's only movie theater until the Crandell opened, 1926 • also served as ballroom, roller skating rink, miniature golf course, theater for plays, vaudeville, minstrel shows • artist Ellsworth Kelly (b.1923) relocated studio from W 67th St, NYC, to Cady's Hall, 1970, where he began work on the Chatham Series, 1971
(bron: flickr | Steve Minor)

Zie ook de post van 9 maart 2017 (hk).

Paul Thek #5

Paul Thek: Untitled (studio interior), 1975. (bron: Art Viewer)

28 december 2019

Paul Thek #4

Paul Thek: Untitled (studio interior), ca. 1970. (bron: artsy)

27 december 2019

Jules de Balincourt

Jules de Balincourt in zijn atelier. (bron: Avant Arte, foto's: James Chororos)

> Jules de Balincourt

José Parlá #2

José Parlá in zijn atelier. (bron: Avant Arte, foto's: James Chororos)

> José Parlá

24 december 2019

Friedrich Kunath #4

Friedrich Kunath in his studio. (bron: Avant Arte)

Friedrich Kunath's studio, Los Angeles.

The studio sits along a corridor in El Sereno, a kind of gasoline alley that in recent years has become home to more than a few artists' studios. Kunath's spot comprises a cluster of spaces within a single box. Half of it looks how you'd expect: a high-ceilinged central work area, a small kitchenette, a “spray” room for airbrush work, and a “white cube” where art can be installed to beta-test how it holds up in a more formal, presentational setting. The austerity of this side of the studio is only slightly betrayed by a pristine vintage British-racing-green bubble-top Jaguar parked in the middle of it.
(bron: GQ Style, foto's: Michael Schmelling)

23 december 2019

Adel Abdessemed #2

Adel Abdessemed in his studio, ca 2012(?).

"Adel Abdessemed lives in the increasingly fashionable area near the canal St Martin in Paris. His studio is below the flat where he lives with his wife and four young daughters; he says he needs to have his work and his family close together.
(bron: Independent)

Vue de l’atelier de Adel Abdessemed. (bron: Le Quotidien de l'Art, foto: Marc Domage)

Adel Abdessemed

Adel Abdessemed in his studio. (bron: Avant Arte)

19 december 2019

Eli Content #3

Atelier van Eli Content aan het Bilderdijkpark, 2019. (bron: Mister Motley)

Eli Content in zijn atelier, 2019. (bron: Joods Cultureel Kwartier, foto's: Nienke Fonk)

Eli Content in zijn atelier, Bilderdijkpark, Amsterdam, 2019.

"In de oude Potgieterschool aan het Bilderdijkpark hangt de zware lucht van olieverf. Na vijftig jaar schilderen ruikt Eli Content het niet meer. Om hem heen: de chaos. Een atelier zoals een atelier moet zijn. Schilderijen tegen de muur, half uitgeknepen tubes verf op tafel. En overal boeken, op wankele stapels. In de hoek is nog net plaats voor een stoel (voor de gast) en een krukje (voor de kunstenaar).
(bron: Het Parool, foto's: Inga Powilleit)

Van november 2019 tot april 2020 toont het Joods Historisch Museum in Amsterdam een eerbetoon aan Eli Content. De overzichtstentoonstelling "Eli Content. So much I gazed on beauty" toont ruim 90 werken, waaronder schilderijen, tekeningen, kunstenaarsboeken en installaties (hk).

> Eli Content

Elisabeth Cummings #5

(bron: Pink Pagoda Studio)

Elisabeth Cummings in front of her studio, Wedderburn, New South Wales, Australia, 2004. (uit: Studio: Australian painters on the nature of creativity, bron: google books, foto: R. Ian Lloyd)

Een deel van deze foto is eerder gebruikt in de post van 11 december 2017 (hk).

Elisabeth Cummings' studio. (bron: Newcastle Art Gallery, foto: Michael Bradfield)

Elisabeth Cummings in her Wedderburn studio, 2010. (bron: Wollondilly Advertiser, foto's(?): Anthony Johnson)

Elisabeth Cummings in her Wedderburn studio, 2017. (bron: Artist Profile, foto's: Stephen Oxenbury)