28 februari 2017

Gérard Garouste #9

Atelier van Gérard Garouste, ca. 1987(?). (bron: FTN books)

Michael Raedecker #2

Michael Raedecker in his studio, Homerton, east London, 2016. (bron: Independent, foto: Teri Pengilley)

Zachary Armstrong #2

Zachary Armstrong in his studio, Dayton. Stills uit de video "'The Artisan Series' - Zachary Armstrong". (bron video: Vimeo)

> Zachary Armstrong

27 februari 2017

Niki de Saint Phalle #4

Niki de Saint Phalle's shooting in the Malibu Hills, end of March beginning of April 1962: Picnic before the shooting organised by Jane Fonda for John Houseman. (bron: Dazed)

A shooting event held in the hills overlooking Malibu in spring of 1962. Attendees included Jane Fonda, Peggy Moffit, John Houseman, Henry Geldzahler, Ed Kienholz, and others.

Niki de Saint Phalle and painter Ed Keinholz examine the finished work after the Malibu shooting event, 1962. (bron: Walker Art Center, foto's: William Claxton)

> Niki de Saint Phalle Foundation

Edward and Nancy Kienholz

Ed and Nancy Kienholz working on "Bout Round Eleven", 1982.

Edward & Nancy Kienholz: Bout Round Eleven, 1982. (bron: LA Louver)

23 februari 2017

Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres: Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto, 1848. (collectie: The Metropolitan Musseum of Art, New York)

Pierre-Nolasque Bergeret: Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto, c. 1822. (bron: Web Gallery of Art)

Alexandre-Evariste Fragonard: Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto. (bron: stair sainty)

"The source for the picture's subject is Carlo Ridolfi's book, Le Maraviglie dell'arte (1648). Aretino had spoken badly of Tintoretto. When they met one day Tintoretto invited Aretino to his studio to have his portrait done. During the sitting the painter suddenly pulled out a dagger from his robe. The surprised Aretino believed he was seeking revenge, and cried out and asked what he wanted. Tintoretto replied coldly, "Don't move. I am taking your measurements." Suitably intimidated by the incident, Aretino never again spoke badly of Tintoretto and they ultimately became friends. Bergeret's picture depicting Tintoretto brandishing a pistol, like those of his fellow artists Ingres and Alexander-Evariste Fragonard, differs from the account due apparently to a translator's confusion over the Italian word for dagger, 'pistolese.'"

James Tissot

Edgar Degas: James Jacques Joseph Tissot, ca. 1867–68. (collectie: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

"The fashionable painter James Tissot was Degas’s friend and mentor in the 1860s and early 1870s. Posed in a studio, top hat and satin-lined cape by his side, Tissot is surrounded by canvases that reflect the wide-ranging tastes he shared with Degas.

Stuart Davis #2

Stuart Davis: Studio Interior, 1917. (bron: Curiator, collectie: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)

Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis at work on a canvas for the Federal Art Project, 1939. (bron: Wikimedia)

Stuart Davis in his studio, 1947. (bron: DRAW PAINT PRINT, foto's: Ralph Morse)

Edward Hopper #6

Edward Hopper in zijn atelier, 1948. (bron: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, foto: Berenice Abbott)

Zie ook de post van 24 augustus 2013 met een net iets andere foto uit waarschijnlijk de zelfde sessie (hk).

20 februari 2017

Jean Fautrier

Jean Fautrier dans son atelier, entouré de sculptures d'art africain, circa 1942-1943. (bron: La Galerie K)

Glenn Brown

Glenn Brown, studio London, 1995. (bron: acuratorscamera, foto's Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen)

Tot en met 23 april 2017 presenteert Museum Het Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam het werk van de hedendaagse Britse kunstenaar Glenn Brown (1966) in de tentoonstelling "Glenn Brown – Rembrandt: After Life". (hk)

> Glenn Brown

Matthew Barney #6

Matthew Barney, studio Meatpacking District, New York, 1996. (bron: acuratorscamera, foto's Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen)

> Matthew Barney (Cremaster)
> Matthew Barney (Drawing Restraint)

Folkert de Jong #4

Folkert de Jong, studio, Amsterdam, 2001. (bron: acuratorscamera, foto's Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen)

> Folkert de Jong

David Bade #3

David Bade, studio, Rotterdam, 1995. (bron: acuratorscamera, foto's Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen)

> David Bade | Weblog

Daan van Golden

Daan van Golden in zijn atelier, 2014. (bron: acuratorscamera, foto's Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen)

14 februari 2017

Jan Andriesse #2

Jan Andriesse in zijn atelier, Amstel, Amsterdam. Stills uit de aflevering van "Hollandse Meesters" van Maarten de Kroon & Jeanne van der Horst.

Jan Andriesse in zijn atelier. (bron video en foto's: Hollandse Meesters)