31 oktober 2012

Lucian Freud #2

Lucian Freud and Leigh Bowery imitating the poses of artist and model in Courbet’s The Painter’s Studio. (foto: Bruce Bernard)

Gustave Courbet: The Painter's Studio (detail), 1855.

30 oktober 2012

Joan Miró #2

Atelier van Miró op Mallorca.

> Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró

John Singer Sargent #2

John Singer Sargent painting at Fladbury, England, 1888-89.

John Singer Sargent: The Artist Sketching.(bron: Artist and Studio)

> John Singer Sargent

29 oktober 2012

Pablo Picasso #2

Pablo Picasso: Painter and his Model, 1963.

Georges Braque #3

Georges Braque: The Painter and His Model, 1939.

Jasper Johns #5

Jasper Johns in zijn atelier in Stony Point, NY (foto: Hans Namuth).

"This home and studio, a rustic barn board 1930’s farmhouse, nestled in a bucolic, wooded setting with a trout stream running through it served as Johns’ retreat and place of artistic inspiration and was the place where he created the majority of his works in the 1970s and 1980s.

The home is a very modest 2 bedroom, one bath two level home of unique character that hugs a hillside just off the main street of Stony Point. It is easily missed and it seems that it has been suspended in time. More tree house than farmhouse, its hand-hewn exposed timber beams and posts, rough tile floors and barn board walls, are touched by the creativity of a genius artist. Unique to the home are four large glass garage doors on the first and second levels that were installed at the request of Mr. Johns. Closed, these doors serve as massive windows onto the nature that surrounds the property. However, when the two large doors in the upper level studio open, it creates an indoor/outdoor space with unmatched light and serenity.

In addition to the two bedrooms, studio and the full bath on the upper level, there is a full kitchen, dining room and family room in the lower level. The iconic garage doors are again present on the lower level, as well as another long wall of glass and aged barn board. Handmade cream colored tile floors, allegedly made by a friend of Johns, cover the kitchen and dining room and warm all day in the glass-filled room, making it warm and inviting. A fireplace completes the setting.

Outside there is a long deck and tiers of patios. Still there today sits the long picnic table that Johns and his friends, Merce Cunningham, Robert Rauschenberg, and John Cage spent many an evening relaxing and taking in the view of the 1.29 acre property. Although Johns left the property years ago, one unique, clearly identifiable item of him remains. It is seen and easily recognized in his works. A stylized image of a simple bathtub faucet and handles appears again and again from the corners of Johns’ pieces. Those bath fixtures were from Johns’ personal bathtub and they remain in the house today."(bron: Nyack-Piermont Patch)

Voormalig woonhuis en atelier van Jasper Johns staat nu te koop voor een luttele 356700,00 dollar.

Jasper Johns #4

(bron: Artist and Studio)

28 oktober 2012

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec #2

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and his model in front of the painting Aus Salon photographed by Toulouse-Lautrec.

"There is the artist and there is the model and there is the artist as model and the model as audience and there are many images of the model and there is the photographer who is also the artist. So where are we and what is art?"

Henri Matisse #4

Henri Matisse: The Pink Studio, 1911.

Henri Matisse: The Red Studio, 1911.

Georges Braque #2

Georges Braque in his live-in studio on Impasse de Guelma, presumably 1912. (bron: Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Georges Braque in his studio. (foto: Robert Doisneau)

Georges Braque in his studio, 1949. (bron: Artist and Studio)

Georg Baselitz #7

Georg Baselitz in zijn atelier in Mülheim, 1971.
(foto: Lothar Wolleh, bron: Artist and Studio)

Joe Fig

Joe Fig: Self Portrait, 2007.

Joe Fig maakt o.a. modellen van beroemde kunstenaars en hun ateliers. Hieronder Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns en Malcolm Morley. OTHERWORLDLY, een tentoonstelling van Joe Figs, is tot 13 januari te zien in het Musee des beaux-arts Eugene Leroy in Tourcoing, Frankrijk.

> Joe Fig
> Musee des beaux-arts Eugene Leroy

Chuck Close #2

(bron: Artist and Studio)

Alberto Giacometti #2

Alberto Giacometti in zijn atelier in Parijs, 1954. (foto's: Ernst Scheidegger)

Jackson Pollock

Overbekende foto's uit 1950 van Jackson Pollock in zijn atelier in East Hampton (foto's: Hans Namuth). Interessant in vergelijking met de vorige post over Hans Hartung.

> maak je eigen Jackson Pollock

21 oktober 2012

Camille Corot

Camille Corot: Corot's Studio, 1860.

Camille Corot: The Studio (Young Woman with a Mandolin), 1865-1866.

Camille Corot: The Artist's Studio, 1865-1868.

Camille Corot: The Artist's Studio, 1868.

Camille Corot: The Artist's Studio, 1870.

18 oktober 2012

Francis Bacon #3

Tijdens het surfen over het net viel mij deze foto van het atelier van Francis Bacon op. (bron: venetian red)

"What a mess! At first scan, I was tempted to conclude that Bacon was a deeply-troubled hoarder. How in the world could he have painted here? And there, amidst the horrifically gargantuan piles of debris—newspapers, photographs, magazines, paint cans, rags, old socks, trousers, a shirt or two—I saw an answer. A carefully-cleared path makes its way through the piles from the door to his easel. It seems as if Bacon knew after all exactly what was most important. . . focus. —Liz Hager"

Toen ik afgelopen zomer de Hugh Lane Gallery bezocht, waar het atelier van Bacon staat opgesteld, heb ik het niet vanuit deze hoek kunnen zien. Wat me bij nadere beschouwing opviel was dat er een doek op de ezel staat dat er niet was toen ik er was (zie de foto's in een eerder bericht) en dat er een grote stapel schilderijen staat tegen het raam waardoor ik foto's heb genomen. De Hugh Lane Gallery pretendeert dat de reconstructie van het atelier de exacte situatie geeft van het atelier zoals dat aangetroffen is na de de dood van Francis Bacon.

"In 1998, director Barbara Dawson secured the donation of Francis Bacon's studio from the artist's heir John Edwards and Brian Clarke executor of the Estate of Francis Bacon. In the August of that year, the Hugh Lane team removed the studio and it's entire contents from London to Dublin. The team, led by conservator Mary McGrath, comprised archaeologists who made the survey and elevation drawings of the small studio, mapping out the spaces and locations of the objects and conservators and curators who tagged and packed each of the items, including the dust. The walls, doors floor and ceiling were also removed. The relocated studio opened to the public in 2001. Over 7,000 items were found and these were catalogued on a specially designed database." (bron: Hugh Lane Gallery website)

Duidelijk is dat de verschillende foto's het atelier in verschillende opstelling laat zien. Blijft de vraag, wat is de meest oorspronkelijke?

> Hugh Lane Gallery

André Boone

Atelier juli 2005.

Atelier juni 2012.

Meer foto's van het atelier van André Boone op zijn eigen site.

> André Boone

17 oktober 2012


Al eerder gemeld in dit blog, maar nog steeds een aanrader; de nog steeds uitdijende serie atelierimpressies op trendbeheer.com. Inmiddels zijn het er al 113.

> trendbeheer.com

John Singer Sargent

John Singer Sargent: An Artist in his Studio, 1904.

John Singer Sargent in zijn atelier in Parijs, 1883 (foto:Auguste Giraudon).

John Singer Sargent in zijn atelier in Parijs.

16 oktober 2012

Charles-François Daubigny

Le Bateau-atelier, l’artiste peignant à bord du Botin. (bron: panorama de l'art)

Charles-Francois Daubigny: Le Bateau-Atelier, 1861. (bron: taft)