17 december 2015

Ad Reinhardt #4

Ad Reinhardt in his studio, 1955 (bron: The New York Times, foto: Walter Rosenblum)

16 december 2015

Piet Moget #2

Piet Moget in zijn open atelier

"Afgelopen zondag 13 december overleed de Nederlandse kunstenaar Piet Moget (1928-2015) in zijn woonplaats Port-La-Nouvelle. Meer dan 60 jaar vormde het Zuid-Franse havenstadje de inspiratie voor Mogets werk.

Zijn leven lang was Moget geboeid door één thema: de zee. Vanaf het strand of de kade werkte hij aan zijn schilderijen. De zee hoefde Moget niet rechtstreeks te zien. Slechts die dunne, nagenoeg onzichtbare lijn tussen land en lucht was voor hem genoeg om de atmosfeer te vangen op het doek.

De laatste jaren werkte Moget uitsluitend nog vanuit zijn afgelegen open atelier op een bebost terrein aan het strand, een paar kilometer buiten het stadje. Moget bracht zijn laatste dagen door in een rusthuis. Het bed stond bij het raam met uitzicht op zijn favoriete onderwerp.

In de collectie van Museum Voorlinden bevinden zich twee van Mogets latere schilderijen." (bron: Museum Voorlinden | facebook)

(bron foto's: Borzo)

15 december 2015

Chuck Close #9

Chuck Close in his Sagaponack, New York Studio. (bron en foto: William Waldron)

Kara Walker #4

Kara Walker in the studio, 2015. (bron: The Guardian, foto: Ari Marcopoulos)

(bron: artupdate)

Kara Walker’s Rhode Island studio. (bron: 1stdibs, foto: William Waldron)

Walker in her studio in 2005. (bron: The Wall Street Journal, foto: William Waldron)

Meer foto's uit deze serie sijn te zien bij Getty Images (hk).

Yves Klein #4

Yves Klein bij het maken van FC1 (Fire Color 1), 1962. Stills uit het filmpje "Yves Klein-Anthropometries of the Blue Period and Fire Paintings 1960 (two performances)", onder andere te zien op UbuWeb.

Yves Klein: FC1 (Fire Color 1), 1962.

> Yves Klein | Archives

10 december 2015

Markus Lüpertz #8

Markus Lüpertz's studio in Teltow, outside of Berlin.

"Thieves broke into the studio of German artist Markus Lüpertz in Potsdam, outside Berlin, over the weekend and stole around 30 paintings, drawings, and prints.

Police said the loss amounted to several hundred thousand euros. However, the artist himself said the combined value of the stolen works could reach €1 million ($1.1 million).

The burglars are believed to have smashed a window to gain access to the 74-year-old artist's workplace in the southwestern outskirts of Berlin, RBB reported.

“So far, we know a window was opened with the use of force, then several doors within the inner space were forcibly opened, and then the artworks were transported away," police spokesperson Ingrid Schwarz told RBB.

Lüpertz was working in his studio on Saturday until around 6:30 p.m., leading police to estimate that the break-in occurred between 7 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. on Monday, when the artist's assistant Alexander Kynch contacted police to report the theft.

The artist's spokesman, Claus Otterbein told Bild: “The thieves broke open several locks, in some cases using skeleton keys, and drove into the studio atrium with a vehicle to load the works."

Otterbein revealed that the thieves took 15 partly unfinished oil paintings measuring 80 x 100 cm. The robbers also took 15 framed sketches of the same size, from a series of works currently on view at Lüpertz's exhibition at Berlin's Bode Museum, as well as one or two small bronze sculptures.

“The works were not yet signed," Lüpertz's spokesman told Bild. However, a contradictory report by local paper Berliner Morgenpost—citing police sources—claimed that all works were signed with the artist's initials M.L.

Lupertz's studio was previously targeted in a robbery attempt in March. The artist was in his studio at the time and was able to scare off the thieves." (bron: artnet)

09 december 2015

Yves Klein #3

March 1962: Klein did his first large Peintures de feu series at the French Gas Company’s Test Center, in La Plaine Saint-Denis, near Paris.
Stemming from his Cosmogonies and Anthropometries, Klein’s Fire Paintings were the mark of the "states-moments of fire." Klein used reinforced Swedish cardboard, which had the particularity of burning more slowly than commonly used materials. Moreover, he combined the action of pouring water onto the support with the action of the flames, such that the print of the flames included traces of the running water. (bron: Yves Klein Archives)

March 1961, Klein does his first large fire painting at the Gaz de France. (bron: Alain.R.Truong, foto: Joly-Cardot)

N.b. De foto's lijken uit de zelfde sessie te komen, maar de datering is veschillend. De datering van de Yves Klein Archives lijkt mij het waarschijnlijkst. (hk)

08 december 2015

Edward Hopper #5

Edward Hopper: Painter and Model, 1902-04.

02 december 2015

Jaap Wagemaker

Jaap Wagemaker in zijn atelier(?), 1961. (bron: Van Abbemuseum)

Jaap Wagemaker, 1961-1963. (foto's: Martien Coppens)

Jaap Wagemaker aan het werk in zijn atelier. Nederland. 1965. (foto: onbekend)

{bron: Fotoleren, foto's: Eddy de Jongh)