18 november 2021

Alberto Giacometti #22

Alberto Giacometti at work in his studio in Paris in 1958.

"In December 1926, the young Alberto Giacometti moved into a small rented studio at 46, rue Hippolyte-Maindron, in the 14th Arrondissement of Paris. In that tiny ground-floor space, less than 300 square feet, poorly lit and for decades without running water, he produced masterpieces of modern art.
After Giacometti died at age 64 in 1966, his studio was repossessed by the landlord, but not before Annette, his wife, had removed all of its contents including the studio’s paint- and plaster-splattered walls.
Now, about 52 years after the death of the artist, that studio is getting a permanent new home.
When the Giacometti Institute opens its doors on June 21, the reconstituted atelier will be the centerpiece of the site’s exhibition space, which the Fondation Alberto et Annette Giacometti plans to use as a vitrine for its collection of the artist’s works. "
(bron: The New York Times)

Giacometti Institute, 5 Rue Victor Schœlcher in Montparnasse, Paris. (bron: Christie's)

Inside the studio of Alberto Giacometti. (foto's: Marc Domage)

Reconstruction of the studio.

Curators recreated Giacometti’s working conditions using archival photographs of his atelier – redeveloped after his death in 1966 – shot by Robert Doisneau and Sabine Weiss, among others. Its walls are pock-marked with globs of paint and surfaces are covered in brushes, scraps of hessian, and ephemera. Clay sculptures lean against the walls and are strewn around the floor space.
(bron: The Spaces)

Overgebrachte atelier van Giacometti. (bron: Parijsmagazine, foto: Chris Rachel Spatz)

> Fondation Giacometti

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