27 maart 2019

Richard Serra #5

Richard Serra and Philip Glass installing "Splash Piece: Casting" at Jasper Johns' Studio, New York, 1969. (bron: trendsmap)

Richard Serra: Splash Piece: Casting, 1969-1970. Executed and installed in Jasper John’s studio, New York. (foto: Gianfranco Gorgoni)

Richard Serra executing Gutter Corner Splash: Night Shift, 1995. Stills from the video of the installation of Richard Serra’s Gutter Corner Splash: Night Shift at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Richard Serra: Gutter Corner Splash: Night Shift, 1969/1996. Collection of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Gift of Jasper Johns. (bron: X-TRA, foto: Saul Rosenfield)

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