28 juni 2017

Friedrich Kunath #3

Friedrich Kunath in his studio, L.A.

Some beautiful cars are parked in front of a big garage; a couple of them are the artist’s. In his roomy studio he has spread out his personal wunderkammer of pop-cultural artifacts across several tables, a selection of objects that mean a lot to him. In the middle of it all is a drum kit. On the walls are finished and almost-finished canvases. Born in 1974 in a small town in what was then East Germany, Kunath has made it big in L.A. With melancholy humor, his works hold a delicate balance over the chasms of everyday life.

On the day of our visit, there’s a warmth and softness in his eyes as he blinks. He is wearing a baseball cap. The painter has recently started getting more into perfume.
(bron: ssense, foto's: Christian Werner)

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