25 augustus 2016

Wilhelm Sasnal

Wilhelm Sasnal, Studio Visit. Stills uit de video. (bron video: YouTube/TateShots)

Wilhelm Sasnal in his Krakow studio, 2016. (bron: The Telegraph, foto: Joanna Siemieniuk)

I arrive in the studio at more or less 11am. We live in a block of flats, on the third floor, and it’s just across the hallway – my wife and I can shout to each other. I’ve been here 10 years but we are in the middle of building a large house with its own studio on the other side of the city.

My current studio is small, about 65 square metres, spread over two rooms. I use one room to store paintings and the other as a workspace. The size of the studio and the doors limits how big a canvas I can paint, because it has to be able to get out. When my assistant, Pavel, is there, it can be pretty problematic. He comes when we need him, which is more or less every second day, but I am in touch with him every day. He helps with the films I make with my wife, too, so there are a lot of post production arrangements.

The studio has east north windows, which means except during the early morning hours, I have nice light to work with. I also use a photographic box to keep the light neutral. I keep it really neat, in perfect order and I always wash all of my brushes at the end of the day.

I try to keep my studio walls empty and very clean, so they are painted once a year.
...." (bron; The Telegraph, foto: Joanna Siemieniuk)

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