09 december 2015

Yves Klein #3

March 1962: Klein did his first large Peintures de feu series at the French Gas Company’s Test Center, in La Plaine Saint-Denis, near Paris.
Stemming from his Cosmogonies and Anthropometries, Klein’s Fire Paintings were the mark of the "states-moments of fire." Klein used reinforced Swedish cardboard, which had the particularity of burning more slowly than commonly used materials. Moreover, he combined the action of pouring water onto the support with the action of the flames, such that the print of the flames included traces of the running water. (bron: Yves Klein Archives)

March 1961, Klein does his first large fire painting at the Gaz de France. (bron: Alain.R.Truong, foto: Joly-Cardot)

N.b. De foto's lijken uit de zelfde sessie te komen, maar de datering is veschillend. De datering van de Yves Klein Archives lijkt mij het waarschijnlijkst. (hk)

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