30 april 2015

Bernard Boutet de Monvel

Bernard Boutet de Monvel in Palm Beach before the portrait of WK Vanderbilt in 1937.

Bernard Boutet de Monvel: Mr William K. Vanderbilt Jr., 1936.

Bernard Boutet de Monvel's house and studio, Palm Beach.

"Bernard Boutet de Monvel, the distinguished French painter, wants to build a house in all the lovely places where he goes, because he hates hotels. It follows that it is now five houses; and the only reason he does not have more, he says, he does not travel enough ...

In 1936 he came to Palm Beach for a month's rest. He enjoyed the winter climate so much that he decided to build a folie there. When he left "La Folie Monvel" was already under construction. Folie, a French term meaning "madness", describes eccentric or fantasy structures that were built mostly from the 16th to 18th centuries.

The artist solved his terrace requirements by having four. The south one is the entrance court, the north terrace is for a swimming pool, the east, completely surrounded by a high hedge, is for sunbathing, and the west is to enjoy the view over a nearby meadow of wild pink and white vinca major, and a golf course. Modern Regency in feeling, with a central living-dining room and four small square rooms projecting out from it, from alternate sides of the central octagon. The space left between these projecting wings formed the four terraces.

He had stipulated, when he discussed his winter home in Palm Beach with the architect, Maurice Fatio, that he wanted privacy and a studio with a north light, and that he had a penchant for a house which would not be irregular in shape but a pure geometrical form. This last stipulation might have proved a cramping restriction to some architects, but inspired Mr. Fatio to create an ingenious octagonal house, most efficient for its purpose.

The western terrace offered a view of the lake, and the northern terrace, the site of the swimming pool, looked on to the Palm Beach Country Club golf course.

The studio-dining room is an extraverted room in a most attractive way. It looks outside through three sets of glass doors under half round arches, one pair of doors onto each of the living terraces. The glass doors that lead into the little hallway to the kitchen and front door, and those that open into the dressing room, and bedrooms, have mirrored panes reflecting like windows. The interior treatment, with the wood flooring following the shape of the room and continuing in horizontal courses up the walls to merge with the lofty ceiling, has somewhat the quality of the cypress groves from which the wood came. The uncluttered simplicity of the interior, depending on this beautiful natural wood, the brilliant blue glass top for the central table, the light summery rattan furniture and the tree forms of my favorite palm, the fishtail, in tubs here and there, all contribute to the outdoor atmosphere. The plan and treatment should be stimulating to anyone considering a week-end or vacation house." (bron: Half Pudding Half Sauce)

Bernard Boutet de Monvel with his portrait of Millicent Rogers.

Bernard Boutet de Monvel: Millicent Rogers.

Ateliers d'artistes: Benjamin Constant

(bron: araGo, foto's: Bérnard Edmond)

Jean Joseph Benjamin Constant in his studio, ca. 1890.

Benjamin Constant: Salammbô. (bron: Robs Webstek)

29 april 2015

Ateliers d'artistes: Alfred Boucher

(bron: araGo, foto's: Bérnard Edmond)

Alfred Boucher dans son atelier vers 1900. (bron: wikimedia)

Ateliers d'artistes: Alexandre Falguière

(bron: araGo, foto's: Bérnard Edmond)

Alexandre Falguière: Les Bacchantes, 1886. (bron: La voix du nord)

Une photo d’époque des deux modèles qui ont posé pour le sculpteur Alexandre Falguière, en 1886. (bron: La voix du nord)

Ateliers d'artistes: Adolphe Yvon

(bron: araGo, foto: Bérnard Edmond)

Adolphe Yvon: L'atelier du peintre Adolphe Yvon. (bron: LiveInternet)

27 april 2015

James McNeill Whistler #4

Portrait group in Whistler’’s London studio, 1881: Julian and Waldo Story, James McNeill Whistler, Frank Miles, and Honorable F. Lawless. (bron: Artists at Work)

Donald Judd #6

Donald Judd's home and studio, 101 Spring Street. (Deze foto is eerder geplaatst in de post van 24 september 2013 (hk).)

A composite of the Judd family house's five floors, with works by fellow artists and friends Dan Flavin, John Chamberlain and Frank Stella. (foto: Rainer Judd)

" RAINER JUDD SPENT MUCH of the first two decades of her life at 101 Spring Street, a five-story cast-iron building in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood. Toward the end of her tenure there, she pretty much had the run of the place. Older brother Flavin was away at school, her parents had long since divorced and her mother had moved out. Her father, renowned artist Donald Judd, worked much of the time, shuttling between New York and his massive studio compound in Marfa, Texas. When he was in the city, Rainer and her friends would be pressed into service as caterers for his art-world dinner parties, then steal out afterwards to hit the downtown clubs.

But what Rainer remembers best about those years was the sense of openness, of space, that came with living in the former industrial loft, a feeling of freedom accentuated by her father's having removed parts of the walls encasing the building's main stairs. Judd's bedroom was on the top floor, hers in the basement. "I would run up and down those stairs," she recalls. "I'd run up to the fifth floor just to say good night." " (bron: The Wall Street Journal)

James McNeill Whistler #3

Whistler in his studio, c1880-1900. (bron: WXXI)

Chuck Close #8

Where the artist works: Chuck Close at his studio in Water Mill, N.Y., 2004. (bron: New York Times, foto: Tony Cenicola)

Chuck Close #7

Chuck Close studio visit, 2007. (bron: splnlss/flickr, foto's: Jon Cohrs)

David Hockney #12

David Hockney at his studio in Los Angeles, April 1982. (bron: New York Times, foto: André Emmerich)

James McNeill Whistler #2

James McNeill Whistler in his Paris studio at 86 rue Notre Dame des Champs, 1890s. (bron: Bento, foto: M. Dornac)

James McNeill Whistler: Blue and Silver: Screen, with Old Battersea Bridge, 1871-1872.

Whistler originally painted this screen for his patron, Liverpool shipping magnate, F. R. Leyland, but instead kept it for his own studio. (bron: Archives hub)

Whistler in His Paris Studio at 106 Rue Notre Dame des Champs, 1892. (bron: Photography, foto: Dornac Studios (Paul Cardon))

(bron: Web Art Academy)

24 april 2015


Harke Kazemier: Dieper dan dit, 2015.
lijm, olie en potlood op linoleum, 25 x 26 cm.

> Harke kazemier

David Boeno: Journées d'Atelier

Gérard Garouste, 1982.

Jean-Charles Blais, 1982.

Robert Combas, 1982. (bron en foto's: David Boeno)

> Robert Combas

Toon Verhoef

Toon Verhoef - What Is Wrong Must Also Be Right. Documentary on the work of Dutch Abstract Expressionist Painter Toon Verhoef by Henneke Molhoek and Menno Grootveld.

Tot en met 3 mei zijn recente schilderijen van Toon Verhoef te zien bij Museum De Pont in Tilburg (hk).

> Toon Verhoef

23 april 2015

Nam June Paik #3

Nam june Paik in his New York studio. (bron: Fine Art For Sale, foto: Eric Kroll)

Kenny Scharf #6

Kenny Scharf Twice in his Tribeca studio, c. 1984. (bron: Eric Firestone Gallery, foto: Eric Kroll)